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South Korea announced LED lighting to encourage policy
release time:2016-09-19 14:06????viewing count::

South Korea in 2006 to develop the popularity of 15/30 lighting, LED (2015 years ago to reach 30% penetration) target, and began to fully import LED lighting. Take the lead in traffic lights, outdoor displays and billboards and other replacement has become LED products, so many companies see it as a good opportunity to expand their business, have set foot in the LED lighting market.

But the current situation is that in Korea, LED lighting has not been as popular as planned. Through large-scale investment in large enterprises, such as the short period of time in Korea, LED chip manufacturing and other upstream areas of the supply chain jumped to the second place in the world. In the manufacturing of lighting appliances and other downstream industries, in addition to large enterprises, SMEs have also demonstrated a positive attitude to enter the overseas market. But because more involved in business, coupled with a sustained rapid decline in prices, resulting in South Korea's LED industry is now entering a difficult period.

To add insult to injury is the popularity of South Korea LED lighting stalled. 2010 LED products accounted for 2.5% of the overall lighting, by the end of 2011 to 4% (about 6% of Seoul city), the popularity rate has not been improved. Government has to support enterprises, reduce power consumption, the implementation of a number of LED universal policy. To achieve the government's 2006 "15/30" goal, from 2012 to start at least 6.5% of the speed of universal. But from the current point of view, the goal of the South Korean government appears to be difficult to achieve.

If South Korea's domestic LED penetration rate has been hovering at low levels, then the inability to compete in the overseas market, the future of the road will be very difficult. Therefore, the South Korean government, Seoul and the LED industry group KoreaLEDAssociation (KLEDA) and so on are standing on their respective positions, respectively, launched a further measure to promote the popularity of LED. The following is about the hope that the first to popularize the promotion of LED lighting in Seoul city promotion policy.

Lighting 100%LED as a target

Seoul city had launched a very positive LED universal policy. 2007 to 2009, a total investment of 23 billion won, 156 thousand of the traffic facilities and public facilities of the 38 thousand lighting lamps replaced by LED products. Thus the annual savings of electricity and electricity were reached about 42 thousand and 400 MWh and about 1 billion 600 million won.

On 2012, on the basis of the policy, the Seoul municipal government for the realization of lighting 100%LED, and added a number of measures. Seoul announced in June 2012, the city's public institutions are obliged to use LED lighting in the construction of new public buildings". By the end of June 2012, Seoul city public institutions LED lighting usage reached about 10%. According to reports, the future will be further expanded, the goal is to make public bodies LED lighting usage in 2014 reached 50% in 2018 to reach 100%, so that the use of private LED lighting in 2030 to reach 100%.

The goal is to make public facilities in 2018 LED lighting penetration rate reached 100% in 2030, the popular LED lighting penetration rate reached 100%.

Before 2014 LED lighting to replace the target is 7 million 800 thousand. Among them, 50% of the public bodies are 800 thousand, 25%, 7 million,. According to Seoul projections, if the goal is achieved, the annual electricity savings of about 1100GWh, which is equivalent to the representative of the city of Seoul, "63 building" annual electricity consumption (about 35GWh in 2011) about 30 times. Converted into the amount of words, can reduce the cost of about 120 billion won per year.

The building of the public institutions, including the Seoul municipal government building, 25 areas, 17 institutions, 218 subway station buildings and 20 underground shops street, a very wide range. All of these local lighting will be replaced by LED lighting, has now begun to steadily. Seoul City, also in 2012 the new public buildings in the LED lighting usage increased to 50% in 2013 increased to 70% in 2014 to reach 100%.

Launch of the underground parking lot using LED lighting policy

In addition, Seoul city also intends to cooperate with the industry group KLEDA to popularize LED lighting, promote the popularity of LED lighting in the underground parking lot. Seoul city and KLEDA in May 2012 issued a "apartment underground car park and large-scale commercial facilities underground parking lot LED lighting business" this encouraging policy, and from June began to implement. In fact, similar policies have been in place since February 2011 in Gyeonggi Do and Daegu City, the city expanded to Seoul.

Under this policy, Seoul city apartments and large commercial facilities in the underground parking lot can be imported free of charge LED lighting. Although the individual is not free to import, but can be less than the market price of 40% of the price to buy LED lighting.

Seoul intends to pass this measure, in 2014 before the Seoul area underground parking lot of lighting all replaced by LED lighting, in order to significantly save the electricity consumption of lighting. The object of this policy includes a total of 1 million 200 thousand residential apartments and 800 thousand large commercial facilities. If all the construction of underground parking area lighting (2 million) all replaced by LED, estimated annual savings of about 297GWh of electricity as well as about 32 billion 700 million won of electricity.

The reason is not only high prices

To improve the use of LED lighting, in addition to public institutions, private facilities to increase the use of LED lighting. South Korea has also taken a variety of measures to promote the popularity of. In spite of this, the popularity of private LED lighting is still not much improved, which is a reason. KLEDA public relations minister JeongHyunJeong said, unable to promote the popularity of one of the reasons for the popularity of the private market, of course, is a high price, but the product is on the market, LED lighting has a lot of substandard products, which is also a big reason".

This time, Seoul city and KLEDA taking into account the quality of the people. Jeong said, we held a briefing, introduced to you free of charge with 5 years of warranty service, has produced a great response. Found that everyone's interest in LED lighting is very high, the willingness to replace LED lighting is also very strong". It is said to have received a lot of replacement for LED lighting applications, the work carried out very smoothly. Jeong also said, "found that many people hope that, in addition to the underground parking lot, the future of indoor lighting can be replaced by LED lighting". Seems to have really felt LED lighting will also be popular in the trend of civil.

In the introduction of the work, but also to solve the problem of high prices had become a problem. Through the cooperation of KLEDA and enterprise, the price of LED lighting appliance is reduced from 100 thousand won to 50 thousand won. The system is the use of the first free installation, and then charge the electricity tariff, in order to achieve the introduction of LED lighting, the actual free". Due to the unit price decline of LED lighting appliance, the recovery period of the installation cost based on "energy saving difference" is shortened. This one can be constructed, financial institutions are more likely to participate in the system.

Seoul City, the development of the underground parking lot LED lighting into the support policy schematic. Figure 1 ~ 5 to import LED lighting process. In addition, in addition to Seoul's support policy, there are about 70 billion won the Korean government led support policy.

Note 1) according to KLEDA, a Busan city apartment in a year ago to the underground car park lighting replacement for 300 straight tube type LED lighting, an average of 7 million 500 thousand won per month to save electricity. When imported every LED lighting device for 161 thousand won, the replacement of 300 to spend a total of 48 million 300 thousand won. For ordinary apartments, the larger the burden. Taking this into account, the free import measures are of great significance.

Seoul City, the new government building to achieve green

Seoul city to actively introduce LED lighting is to take into account the power of the city of Seoul. According to the Seoul municipal government, lighting in the city's overall electricity consumption in the proportion of about 20%. If only the building, the proportion of up to about 37%. South Korea in 2011 and 2012 for two consecutive years in the electricity demand increased in the summer there was a power outage. In South Korea, people's awareness of energy conservation continues to rise, while the rise in electricity prices have become increasingly worried about the voice. This is reflected in the policy of actively introducing LED lighting.

In such a situation, in 2012, and LED to promote the policy of promoting the appearance of a variety of energy-saving measures taken by the new government building in Seoul. The building was proposed 6 years after the construction of the building in September 2012, put into use in four years and five months, the office staff have begun to enter the new building. The new government building will be open to the public in October.

Seoul city has developed a new public facilities for the object, so that the use of energy than the original plan to save more than 40%, the new government building in Seoul is no exception. The building, under the guidance of the concept of "building energy rationalization", has become an environmental friendly green building.

The new government building is a building on the ground floor of 13 floors and 5 floors (Figure 3). The annual energy consumption per square meter is set at 300kWh, which is divided into the design, construction, completion and use of the electricity saving measures. The building by the South Korean Samsung C&T company.

Multi function hall, Hanul (Korean "sky") square, road and toilet and other places outside the office, the main input power for the LED 20W embedded dome light to light (Figure 4). Each floor of the corridor, hall and so on is mainly used in South Korea PhoenixEngineering company LED downlighter, installed a total of about 3000 units. The library in the government building also fully uses the LED lighting. But the office area is used in T5 type straight tube fluorescent lamp.

Photos in front of the old government building in Seoul, followed by the new government building. The new government buildings use a lot of glass on the wall, dimming and color through the installation on the inside of the LED lighting, can change the appearance of the building color.

The appearance of LED lighting throughout the new government building. The use of the embedded dome light in the image is the input power of 20W products. LED recessed light is produced by PhoenixEngineering company.

Why the new government buildings in Seoul city actively import LED lighting to use T5 type straight tube fluorescent lamp? Ask the person in charge of the reasons related to the city of Seoul, the other answer is because of "project plan and budget on without the use of LED lighting," 2006 outward contracting, South Korea has not related to the popularity of LED lighting, LED lighting standard KS * also have not yet been worked out. At that time it was difficult to make the decision to use LED lighting".

*KS standard: Korea industry standard (KoreanIndustrialStandards) abbreviation, it is Korea's industry standard. This is based on industry standardization law to develop industrial product standards, the purpose of the development of the standard is to improve and ensure the quality of industrial products in South korea. In 2009, the KS standard in the new LED lighting safety and performance requirements of the provisions of.

But the new government building project in South Korea, the incumbent president Lee Myung-bak (LeeMyung-bak) served as mayor of Seoul to do the change. The city decided to change the appearance of the building to the present shape, and decided to actively import LED lighting. However, plans to change the place all imported LED lighting, but according to the original plan is still in the original construction of the budget to promote the project, so the whole building did not use LED lighting.

In the future, in addition to LED lighting, Seoul City, also plans to increase the use of solar light, solar thermal and geothermal systems in public buildings. The city has announced that since 2014, in all public buildings within the new, the use of renewable energy increased to 20%. The standard applies to all public facilities such as art galleries, hospitals, museums, and children's facilities.

Private demand is also the dawn of

As described in this paper, Seoul City, in South Korea, from the introduction of LED lighting in the early stages, the government on the LED lighting industry to provide strong support. Just private demand does not appear in Japan as a sign of the popularity of LED lighting expansion. In South Korea, about two years ago LED bulb appeared in the supermarket, but now, LED lighting counter is more and more small, often appear on the display shelves stocked with only a number of products, this situation is completely opposite with japan.

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